March 28, 2011

I do zaaaa zoo

Translation: I do love you. 
I love the way my kids have said "I love you" over the years.  Big sis said "Umm Umm" for the longest time, then that finally turned into "Te Heee Nuuu" (don't ask me how). I wanted her to say it right so bad for the longest time and was so happy when she finally could. I didn't realize that I would miss her funny little language so much when she out grew it. They are only itty bitty once and a part of me wishes she would still say it like that. For now Bub says "I zaaaa zoo" and I'm not planning on correcting him anytime soon. Its just way to cute.

I do zaaaaa them.

1 comment:

  1. That's so sweet. I love the things you blog about, capturing the little things of everyday life. :)


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